The below excerpt is from the FCA Handbook (Last updated version October 2024).
To read the Handbook, please go to:
This section is additional criteria applicable to the Two-Minister Endorsement Model, please see section 6.1 for the complete requirements for & responsibilities of endorsement.
6.1.5. Additional Criteria for Endorsement Through Two Endorsing Ministers (2EM)
Historically, endorsement has taken place through the FCA churches. In 2024, with membership approval, a second avenue of endorsement was launched which allows ministers to be endorsed by two other FCA endorsing ministers. The purpose of this new method is to provide additional options for the endorsement of ministers who are seeking to transfer their endorsement from another organization or church and to relieve some of the pressure from FCA churches that are over-burdened with many endorsements. Qualifications of an Endorsed Minister
A minister who desires to be endorsed using the 2EM method must meet the following qualifications:
a. They must already be ordained (licensed ministers cannot be endorsed via 2EM)
b. They must be individual ministers (ministries cannot be endorsed via 2EM) Limitations
The 2EM method is also subject to the following limitations:
a. Endorsers are, by default, limited to a maximum of five (5) ministers that they can endorse, with the following exceptions:
▪ A married couple, where both spouses are endorsed, can count as one minister for this purpose (instead of two).
▪ This does not include your local staff, who are defined as those you already interact with in person on a regular basis (i.e. weekly or more) in a supervisory role and whose primary serving ministry is the same as yours.
▪ If an endorsing minister would like to exceed the limit of five, an application may be submitted which will be considered by the Elders.
b. This is simply to ensure that the spirit of endorsement is carried out in each endorsing relationship.
c. Ministers cannot be endorsed by a minister they endorse
d. Ministers cannot endorse the lead pastor of the church that endorses them
e. Spouses cannot endorse each other, nor can spouses be both ministers on an endorsing team for another minister
f. Lead pastors cannot be endorsed by ministers who serve at the same serving church; they must be endorsed outside of the church they serve in Process
The process of completing endorsement through the 2EM method includes (although is not limited to) the following:
a. Each endorsing minister must partner with another qualified endorsing minister to create an endorsing team
b. Endorsing ministers do not need to pair with the same endorsing minister for each person they endorse
6.1.6. Responsibilities of the Endorsed Minister/Ministry
The endorsed member (minister or ministry) is responsible to:
a. Fulfill the membership requirements (sections 6.2.1 and 6.3.1)
b. Complete the endorsement process according to the handbook in conjunction with their endorser(s)
c. Maintain fellowship with their endorser(s) on a regular basis (i.e. a personal connection at a minimum of once/year)
d. Ensure their annual renewal is completed correctly and on time
e. Report on ministry activities to their endorser(s), especially if requested
f. Be accountable through relationship with their endorser(s) (see section 2.2) for their ministry, conduct, integrity, theology, and other areas pertaining to Biblical discipleship
6.1.7. Loss of Endorsement Privileges
An endorser (minister or ministry) may lose their endorsing privileges in the following situations:
a. In the case of an endorsing church, they no longer meet the definition of a church outlined in 5.1
b. They no longer meet the requirements of membership outlined in 6.2.1 (minister) or 6.3.1 (ministry)
c. They no longer meet the qualifications of an endorser outlined in 6.1.3
d. They fail to meet their responsibilities as an endorsing church outlined in 6.1.4
e. Through action or inaction, they significantly misrepresent the spirit and intention of endorsement.
If any of these situations arise, the endorsing church/team of the endorser in question will work with the endorser to try to move toward an appropriate resolution. If no endorsing church/team exists, the Elders or their designate(s) will fill that role for this purpose. If the situation cannot be resolved adequately, the endorser will lose their endorsing privileges and any endorsed members will need to obtain endorsement through another endorser (see section 6.7 for finding a new endorser).