The excerpt below is from the FCA Handbook (Last updated version October 2024).
To read the Handbook, please go to:
6.1.3 Qualifications of an Endorsers
An endorsing church or endorsing minister must meet the following qualifications:
a. Be a registered member with the FCA as either
▪ a church (not a parachurch)
▪ a minister (including categories of regular ministers, spouse, retired or missionary)
b. Be a member in good standing
c. Be approved by their endorser(s) to be an endorsing minister or ministry
d. Understand and commit to what is involved in endorsement (see 6.1.1)
e. Demonstrate an understanding and commitment to the polices and procedures outlined in the constitution, by-laws, and handbook
f. Commit to attending (if endorsing minister) or sending at least one or two delegates (if an endorsing church) to the annual convention whenever possible
g. Actively participate in the regional meetings/Hubs in their area
h. Be a member of the FCA for at least the previous five years uninterrupted (for endorsing church, they may either be the senior pastor or the church itself)
h. For endorsing churches that tie licensing or ordination directly to endorsement, they must have a policy regarding endorsements that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements for FCA ministers and/or ministries (see section 6.2)
6.1.4 Responsibilities of the Endorsers
The endorsing church or endorsing minister is responsible to:
a. Fulfill the definition of endorsement as outline in 6.1.1 on an ongoing basis
b. Ensure endorsed ministers and ministries meet the qualifications to be endorsed as ministers or ministries both at the time of endorsement, and (as a minimum) annually at each renewal
c. Fulfill the appropriate registration process related to endorsing a member
d. Complete the endorsement process according to the handbook
e. Maintain fellowship with each of their endorsed ministers/ministries on a regular basis (i.e. a personal connection at a minimum of once/year)
f. Assist and communicate with endorsed ministers and ministries to ensure their annual renewal is completed correctly and on time
g. Take care to shepherd any applicable transition for those impacted in the event of discontinuing endorsement
h. Assess the endorsed minister/ministry regarding their ability to function as an endorsing ministers/ministry and be involved in the process to approve or deny their application to do so
i. It is also recommended that the endorser receive an annual (or more frequent) report describing the ministry activities their endorsed ministers or ministries are involved in
j. For endorsing churches that tie the licensing or ordination directly with endorsement, they must establish an endorsement policy within their church that meets the minimum requirements of the FCA (see section 6.2 for FCA requirements)